Thursday, September 08, 2011


Wisdom is the application of knowledge, in my humble opinion. It is better to be wise than knowledgeable. You can know a heck of a lot of facts, but unless you actually use them, they are useless.

Case in point, my clients. We staff ask them about every 2 months about their goals, what they want to achieve in their mental health recovery, their daily living skills, their relationship and communication skills. Invariably they suggest we work on something that we just covered. I have spent the last 3 months teaching them about self esteem. We've read about it, talked about it, role played, constructed plans with small, achievable goals that will help to boost their self esteem. Yet when another staff asked what they want to learn about, they say self esteem.

I can't count the number of budgeting classes they have attended. I finally gave them the bottom line last week and informed them that by simply attending budgeting class, money was not going to jump into their wallets. You must practice what you learn. Apply the knowledge we give you, use the tools we supply, and NOT buy stupid crap! (Yes, I actually said that.)

Same goes for nutrition class. I can preach about that one, as a personal expert on nutrition facts myself, I choose not to apply the knowledge I have learned by reading and trying just about every diet and eating plan on the planet. No matter how many diet books I own (a lot) and exercise videos I have gathering dust (poor Richard Simmons, we never spend time together anymore) I will not lose an ounce unless I apply that knowledge or use those tools.

Another part of wisdom is learning from experience. I've heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Tuesday morning as I spilled hot tea all over my kitchen counter and floor, I spontaneously learned some awesome Irish step-dancing moves, and learned NOT to fix hot tea when I'm not completely awake. I will not make that mistake again.

A friend and I were discussing the sacrifice requirements of the Israelites in the Old Testament earlier this week. We agreed that we are thankful we live under grace, because I'm just not sure if the words flying through my mind as I was dodging hot tea would have been a pigeon, dove, or maybe even a lamb's worth of sin!

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