Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things that have annoyed me today

1. My waitress at lunch called me "hun." Repeatedly.

2. My office was so cold I could have cut hogs and hung meat.

3. The dirty dishes on my kitchen counter did not spontaneously wash themselves. grrrr.

4. I really want a pizza, but am trying to cut back.

5. I looked fabulous today in my sequined top, and no one complimented me.

6. I could have taken a hair appointment this morning, but didn't think I should take the time off work.

7. Co-workers down the hall who talk to so loudly I know every detail of their personal lives. Even with my door shut.

8. I think my rare, undiagnosable nasal condition is coming back. (Earlier this summer I went to 2 doctors, one a sepcialist, and they both shrugged their shoulders, but were happy to prescribe anti-biotics, just in case.)

9. Gas price went down 10 cents since I filled up yesterday.

10. I didn't get to go walking after work.

10 Things I'm grateful for:

1. I have the ability to read and write.

2. I have free speech to voice my complaints.

3. I have a home.

4. I have a dog who sometimes loves me.

5. I have family and friends who always love me.

6. I have faith that God is always with me, never leaving me nor forsaking me.

7. If I really want a pizza, I have both the means and the money to go buy one. :)

8. I can access medical care, though I may have to make payments for the rest of my natural life.

9. I am healthy enough to walk to the kitchen and wash my dishes, even though I really don't want to.

10. I have a job.

*Note* It took twice as long to think of blessings as it did complaints.

Have you counted your blessings lately?

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