Sunday, September 11, 2011


Stop and smell the roses. You only live once. Carpe Diem.

As 9/11 is commemorated today, I avoided media as much as I could. Not that I don't remember (how could I not?) or that I don't care (I do). I guess I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it all. Like I'm not sure how I feel about roadside crosses, or people why have "In Memory" stickers on the back window of their cars. I get the point, but there is something about it that also feels tacky, or at least irreverent.

Facebook was a flood of "what were you doing when you heard" updates. Now, here's where the not caring comes in. I know where I was, but I don't really care were YOU were. That's why I left mine off today, because no one cares. A few mature ladies (I'd hate to call them older) were talking at lunch today about how they also remember where they were when they learned JFK was shot. Well, I certainly don't remember that since my mother was only 12 when that occurred!

In my lifetime the only other national happening that seemed to affect everyone was when the Challenger space shuttle exploded. I was in 1st grade that year. I won't tell you where I was, because I know you don't care. (Recess)

But getting back to cliches... Times such as this, as do most natural disasters, wars, or anything that shakes you to the core, causes you to re-evaluate your priorities, tell those you love that you love them a little more often, and maybe even literally, stop and smell the roses. All the things we forget about or take for granted suddenly become important again.

Tonight I spent a full minute just taking in the full moon. Then I watched a plane blink its way all across the sky. I said a little prayer for the people in that plane, just in case they were nervous about flying today. Anytime is your time to smell the figurative roses, sip that wine slowly, and linger over a great work of art or music.

By all means, do your job, mow your yard, and get the house clean. But remember, these are not the big things in life. These are the necessary things. Be sure to leave ample room in your hectic schedule to spend time with God, with your loved ones, and with your furry friends!

And maybe zoom over to youtube and catch a tear jerker. I've listed a few below. (grab a hanky!)

 "Live Like You Were dying" by Tim McGraw, "I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack, and "My List" by Toby Keith. (Strange, I really don't listen to Country that often!)
This is "One Life to Love" by 33 Miles

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