Sunday, September 25, 2011

Toilet Dreams

Catchy title huh? Makes you want to click on it. But no, really, I've been having dreams about toilets. Read on.

Early this morning I had a recurring dream...maybe not exactly recurring, but the theme is recurring. I've had similar dreams for, oh, maybe a few years now. In the dream I'm in a public restroom, locker room, some kind of bathroom.  Last night was in the old Jasper Grade School restroom, with 3 stalls. However, the stalls were all busy, so I had to use the one toilet that was out in the open, no stall. Now, no such toilet exists, but I move on.

I've had many such dreams in the past, all with me really needing to use a toilet, and none with privacy are available, so I think "This won't take long, I'll just use this one with no stall. No one will see me." And invariably someone sees me, barging in the room. This morning it was a bunch of guys raiding the girls' restroom.

I don't have my dream interpretation books here at home, they're all at work, but an online dream dictionary I just consulted said "To see a toilet in your dream symbolizes a release of emotions. You need to get rid of something in your life that is useless." Hmmmm. Who, I mean what, could that be?

I also often dream of stairs, but of staircases that lead to a blank wall, or the stairs end with the door or the rest of the floor a few feet away, meaning I need to jump to continue my journey.

So what does it all mean? Am I crazy? Nope. My personal and professional opinion is that our brain regurgitates every night, throwing little bits and pieces of memory, movie, book, and vision into a beautifully grotesque potpourri of meaningless scenes.

I try to remember my dreams. As soon as I wake I try to recall every little detail I can. I don't go so far as to write them down, as I did in college for a psych class assignment. But I do try to remember them, and eerily enough often have a sense of deja vu. Do you deja vu too?

Oh dreams. Aren't they fun?

1 comment:

Andrew said...

But what (and why)it regurgitates is what I want to know...

Sleep is something that has always fascinated me. Why must we sleep? To dream, I believe, is one reason.