Monday, September 19, 2011

Where's the Delete key?

I have a fabulous memory. Not for useful information, like where I parked the car or stuff I need to get done for work tomorrow. No, I remember small, useless, completely inane bits of data, and it's starting to drive me bonkers.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to attend a board meeting for my agency in another town. The meeting doesn't bother me, though I will be representing my agency and all that goes with my oh-so-important-sounding title. What bothers me is the fact that last year I did the same thing, and I remember EVERY LITTLE DETAIL about that day. Down to what I wore. No joke, I do this all the time.

It was unseasonably warm that day, so I wore black Capri's and sandals. The meeting was at lunch, so after the meeting I went through McD's drive through- McChicken value meal, Lemonade. I went to the office we have in that county, ate lunch, reviewed files, and left from there to meet the Ex in his hometown.

Now the weird thing is I cannot tell you what he was wearing, but I can tell you what he ate that night. Chicken and noodles. I did too. But I had a salad and green beans, he had potato soup and corn. Starch city!

There's a country song that says something along the line of who needs pictures when you've got a memory like mine. So true. And these aren't even memories I want to keep. I really need a delete key in my brain, to rub out all the hurt, all the minutia that clogs up the working portion of my mind.

My mom thinks I need to go on a game show. Maybe I could win a few bucks on Jeopardy, but only if the categories are "Middle names of the New Kids on the Block" or "What you wore for Christmas 1984."

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