Thursday, September 15, 2011

Letter to Single Ladies

Dear Ladies,

Without being partonizing, placating or using warm-and-fuzzy words am I going to tell you that I know how you feel. But I do, I really do know how you feel. I feel it too.

I know how the sight of happy couples make you want to either cry or run the couple over with the nearest car.

I know the yearning for a strong pair of arms to hold you and tell you it's going to be ok.

I know the desire for someone to fix all the crap that's going wrong with your car, your house, and your life.

I know how nice it would be to not have three jobs and know that another paycheck was helping to pay the bills.

I know how wonderful it would be for someone to take over the lawn work, taking out the trash, and hanging shelves.

I know you often need another set of hands to help with difficult chores.

I know how hard it is to cook for one, so you opt for a hot pocket instead.

I know how you feel when another lady gets flowers and you don't.

I know how it feels to go to church, be surrounded by couples and families, and you are alone.

I know how scary it is when you hear someting in the middle of the night, grab your phone and a baseball bat, and pray you don't need either one.

I know that in moments of desperation you think that Mr. Right Now is acceptable, but that he's really not what you want or need.

I know that you think God forgot about you, that He is ignoring the desires of your heart and that His plan for you involves a convent.

But ladies, please listen for a moment. No matter what they say, Something is NOT better than Nothing.

Don't sell yourself short just to say you've got a man. If he's not treating you like a Queen, respecting your body and your mind, and being the spiritual leader of your relationship, he's not worth it.

Don't jump from one relationship to another. Get to know you first. Spend some time alone with you. What do you want? What do you enjoy?  What are your dreams? If you can't answer those questions, don't get into a relationship. Don't allow him to answer them for you, or assume his wants, pleasures and dreams are good enough for you too.

It's tough being a single lady in this world. But you know what, it sure beats getting saddled with a jerk, a lazy man, or an abusive man. And if he's not what you want now, don't think you can change him. You can't love the alcoholism out of him. You can't motivate the laziness out of him. And above all, you can NEVER compete with his mother. So don't even try.

 It's okay to be single. You're not a loser. You're not an outcast. You're just you, and that's perfectly fine. If you find someone, great! Just make sure he's worth it. But if you don't, then paint every wall in your house pink and wear a tiara! Because you can. That's one of the many perks of being single!



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