Thursday, November 03, 2011


Oh, how quickly I go to the dark side. So my set-up dude did not call me tonight. Not that he said he would, just that he has for the past 3 weeks. I immediately replace disappointment for anger and assume he's not interested and is taking the weenie way out and just not speaking to me. Guys seem to get out of potential relationships in this manner these days. No one has a pair of cojones anymore. Sad.

I try not to be Huffy, to give him the benefit of the doubt. He's busy...well, it rained all day, so it's not like he was out in the fields. He lost my number...unless he also lost his phone, totally unacceptable. He's waiting for me to call...for a (previously assumed) gentleman who has opened every door for me every time, I don't think he's expecting a ballsy broad to ask him out.

I know me and I know the extent my ire can extend. If he does happen to call me tomorrow or whenever, I'm not sure if I'll be all sunlight and rainbows and pretend it's all fine, or rip him a new one. I would hope I wouldn't tie into him, as he has no way of knowing how I feel or what I'm thinking. Though he should.

I told you I was bad at this.

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