Thursday, August 25, 2011

Coupons: wonderful, or evil?

I have a co-worker* who is nuts for coupons. She had them in boxes, bags, storage containers and binders. She loves to tell us how much she saved, and was at one time considering framing a receipt where she saved over $100 dollars!

I have nothing against coupons. Honestly, I don't. But I've spent a few minutes lately looking though her cache of coupons, and found, maybe, 20 that I MIGHT use. That is if I even rememebr I have a coupon for it.

As a single gal with NO storage space, does stockpiling shampoo make sense? Do I really need 10 cases of water? How long will it take me to eat 17 jars of peanut butter?
I have a few that I'll TRY to use this weekend. Maybe I'll save a few bucks, or maybe I'll buy stuff I don't need and won't use. We'll see.

*I dearly love this co-worker and in no way am I making fun of her. I just love how excited she gets when she "stacks" her coupons and gets a great deal!

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