Monday, August 22, 2011

Animal Magnetism?

Buddy, my dog of 9 years, has learned to dig this summer. Yes, he's a bit slow. So with this new and exciting skill, he has managed to escape the confines of my backyard 6 times since June, including one escape from my parents' fence. I have spent many hours driving around town looking for him, many dollars purchasing chains and locks, fencing, and bricks. Now, after the backyard is semi-Buddy-proof, the little mongrel...ahem...darling dog has decided he prefers to stay in the house. MY house!
While my dog can't wait to run away from me, I have had 2 cats find me in the past 2 months.

I had a darling kitten, whom I named Babykins, wander into my neighbor's yard, decide she wasn't home, then cry until I HAD to find her and rescue her. (Can't take crying from human or beast.) She was so tiny, so trusting, and so hungry. Below is Babykins in my first plan for housing the first night I had her.

Awww, isn't she sweet? I had her for 2 days, took her around the neighborhood but no one claimed her. I finally took her to the local animal shelter. I pray someone found her and loves her!

So last night, I go outside to water my Lazarus plant (not it's name, but I swear I've killed it at least 5 times this summer!) and there's a cat. I have had cats camp out on my front porch before, but this guy was different, something almost human about him. I said "That's ok Kitty, I won't hurt you." He lays back down and watches me drown my plant. I got him some food, which he snarfed down, and scratched his head, which he loved! He's been declawed and is obviously some one's baby. I looked this morning, and was more than a little disappointed when he wasn't on the porch. I've looked for him tonight too-- no sign of him yet.

Buddy didn't care for either of my house guests, but I felt a strange but special connection to each one, like I was there for them when they needed me most. I may be reading WAY too much into it, but I don't care, it makes me feel special too!

And how could I forget to post a picture of Buddy, who will be the topic of many posts to come, I'm sure!

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