Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is the stuff...

Ok. Once is a coincidence. Twice is just plain crazy.

Last week I sang Francesca Battistelli's song "This Is The Stuff" for my church's offertory special. It went ok, but after the song, I started to go back to my seat (front row, woot woot!) and heard painful silence. Yup, I had forgotten Steve the piano-player had taken the service off and I was supposed to play the doxology (Give Thanks).

So I hop back up to the Clavinova to play it, and realize I don't even have the stupid music laid out! Thank God I had just alphabetized my music folder that morning, or I would have been leafing through hundreds of pages for the next half-hour. After I get the music out, I can't play it worth crap! Never could. Hate the song. But anyway, we stumble through it, and I count it all to my stupidity and lack of fore-thought.

Scene 2: tonight I sang the song again for a cluster ice cream social. (The three United Methodist churches in Olney get together once a year to gorge themselves on homemade ice cream, Texas sheet's a beautiful thing.) I sang the song, only messed up one line (I don't think anyone noticed) then took my place at the keyboard to play for the Hymn Sing. I start playing the first song, and the keyboard power goes out. Kinda. There's still power, lights are flashing, but no sound. I keep playing just in case it comes back mid-song. Nope. They turn it completely off, then have to wait for it to reboot.

Is it just me, or is it the song?

It's me, stuff like this happens to me all the time.

But here's the song, since I'll not be singing it again. Enjoy!

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