Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Parent's Day

By reading this blog you'd never know it, but I compose blogs in my mind almost everyday; they just don't make it to fruition on the page. I compose them in the car, at work, while mowing the lawn, or whenever inspiration strikes. Some are detailed and fully fleshed-out, some are mere snippits, maybe more appropriately Tweets than full blogs.

The last one that I wrote in my head was about Father's Day, which I almost typed, then decided not to since I didn't go ahead and type my Mother's Day blog also.

So, in honor of BOTH of my parents, here is your combined Mother's/Father's day dedication blog:


1. for all the nights you stayed up with me when I was sick.
2. for all the days you stayed home with me when I was sick. (I was sick a lot!)
3. for all the Sunday nights I spent crying, pleading with you not to send me to school on Monday morning.
4. for all the times I "forgot" about a homework assignment until 8pm the night before it was due. (Stupid science fairs)
5. for attending every one of my sports games
6. for attending every one of my concerts
7. for spoiling me just a little, but not enough to be annoying :)
8. for working so hard on that 85 Dodge Charger that never did run right
9. for all the flying trips to the doctor 40 miles away
10. for always believing in me, even when I didn't
11. for never allowing me to "walk the streets"
12. for paying attention to me, though I always demanded more
13. for discipling me, though I didn't appreciate it at the time
14. for not giving me everything I wanted, so I didn't grow up with a sense of entitlement
15. for trying to protect me from the big, bad world
16. for wiping away my tears, both then and now
17. for being my best friends
18. for unconditional love, though I am, at times, but not very often, unlovable
19. for letting my make my own decisions, though you may see danger or trouble ahead
20. for reading to me at an early age, allowing me to develop a love of reading
21. for giving my a quirky sense of humor
22. for burying tons of kittens and a few puppies quietly and descretely, then taking me to see "All Dogs go to Heaven"
23. for Friday night movie night, and all the good, and horrible, movies we watched (Jack the Bear, need I say more?)
24. for cooking for me and allowing me to help cook also (though my love of food is both a blessing and a curse)
25. for not giving me an allowance, but working for it by doing chores (another one I didn't appreciate at the time)
26. for pushing me to make good grades and take the harder classes, though some "gravy" classes would have been nice
27. for all the trips to Tennessee to visit me during college
28. for all the help in maintaining my home (My Daddy-do list, as I call it)
29. for listening to me ramble everynight and complain about work
30. most of all, for being involved in my life, taking an active interest, and always guiding me to look to the Lord for important decision making.

The list really could go on, but these things came to mind first. Thank you for being awesome parents and I only hope that one day, if the Lord ever blesses me with children, they will know what awesome Grandparents you are! ( I know Buddy is awful fond of ya!)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Simple Life Rules

I'm not sure from where I stole this, but it's cute and worth repeating.

5 Rules to Remember in Life:

1. Money can't buy you happiness, but it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.

2. Forgive your enemy but remember the bastard's name.

3. Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they are in trouble again.

4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.

5. Alcohol does not solve problems but neither does milk.

I hope that clears up a few problems in your life.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

15 Year Reunion

I have been invited to my 15 year High School reunion, to be held this September. I have actually been considering whether I should go or not. I have decided on not, but haven't committed to clicking on the Decline button on the Facebook invite. Below are my reasons for not going. See if I missed anything...

1. I don't want to.
2. Most of the attendees are married and have kids. I don't. Pictures will be thrust in my face and endearing stories of cuteness and precociousness will be assaulting my ears. No thank you.
3. I really don't miss any of my classmates. I have kept in touch with a few folks from high school, but from different graduating years, not mine.
4. I wasn't good enough for them to talk to me then, I'm too good for them now.
5. I wasn't even invited to the 5 year reunion, and the 10 year was slapped together last minute, complete with a picnic for the kiddos to play. Yeah, sign me up.
6. I don't drink, and as the reunion will be held at the Elks Club, there will be booze a'flowin. Drunk people annoy me.
7. I don't want to.
8. I can't lose 100 pounds between now and then without surgically removing something.
9. I don't think John Deere would have a good time. I know I wouldn't.
10. I have to pay to attend. They should pay ME for rehashing all those memories I have so conveniently repressed.
11. Our class song was Macarena. Honestly. 'Nuff said.
12. I don't want to.
13. I don't even know what one wears to such an occassion. Would I have to go shopping for a dress? Is it business casual? Should I dress in the lovely fashion of 1997?
14. I'm fairly positive there will be a movie I need to see that night. Or maybe I'll be washing my hair.
15 I don't want to.

I think those are substantial enough reasons.

Yeah. Not going.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

So you had a bad day...

I have a job. Three of them, actually. I should be thankful, really I should. But days like today cause me to ponder just how hurt I'd have to be to get Disability benefits.

And I wonder why I want to spend thousands of dollars, much of my "free" time, and many hours on the road to pursue a Master's degree that will only help to secure my current position, which today made me want to stab someone with my pen. (But I didn't.)

Today, as I was browsing my Explanation of Benefit cache on my insurance site, I asked myself what would have happened if I had just remained calm, hadn't spazzed out about a stupid few swollen lymph nodes, and avoided racking up a couple thousand dollars worth of medical bills.

Waitressing wasn't that bad. Sure, while on shift it's mentally and physically taxing, but when the shift is over, it's over. No work to take home with you, maybe an extra shift now and then, but only when you WANT it, and you're not in charge. I would SO love to not be in charge some days.

But I try not to complain. My house has heat, my bed has a blanket, and no tornado has decimated my hometown. Though I had to sign a waiver giving my firstborn to BP, my car has a full tank of gas. No one has abused me, no one has taken away my rights (yet) and no one has told me that I can't believe, pray to, or serve my God.

So I guess things really aren't that bad.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The End of a Journey

Yes, it's been a while. I've been preoccupied with maybe having cancer. But I don't. Yee haw!

Over the past month I've had so many thoughts, so many conflicting emotions, and of course, so much lack of patience. If we can put a man on the moon, why can't a doctor figure out what's wrong with me?

But that's over now, except for waiting for something new to pop up and freak out all over again.

Next Friday I have an interview with the Counseling Master's Program at EIU. Praying that goes well.

Got a call today that my house did not appraise for a fantastic amount (curse you stinky housing market!) so I'll have to pay some of the closing costs. But still going through with the refinancing. Stupid not to, considering the long run.

Still seeing John Deere. He was wonderful while I was recouping from surgery. He was here every night, brought me food (always a winning strategy!) and we had a lovely little dinner for Valentine's Day.

Next Sunday will be one year from the day The Ex allowed me to get my engagement ring fixed knowing he was going to ask for it back, then asked for it back. Jerk. Well I followed his advice and found someone closer to home. However he reneged on the whole "I still want to be a part of your life" crap. Just as well. He was a like a black hole, sucking all the life out of me. I hope he's happy with the new woman and his new Corvette.

Still just a wee bit angry about that one...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where's my medal?

Let me tell you, I deserve a frickin' medal for going, and staying, at the gym tonight!

I wait until 8pm to go, thinking most people would have already had their time and gone home. But nooooooooo. The place was packed. Muscle heads, little flippy-dippy girls, and me. Yeah, I'm the fat one there. Nothing new for Huff.

I walked on the treadmill for about 15 minutes as a warm-up, watching Stacey and Clinton of TLC's What Not To Wear. (Love that show!) Then I moved on to the weight machines. These machines, obviously designed by men for men, are not exactly female friendly. There are bars and pads in uncomfortable places, and on the bicep machine, I can't decide if the boobs should rest on the pad or just get squished behind it. It's a puzzlement.

There is one machine that I, well, kind of got stuck on. I wasn't so much stuck as I could neither get ON or OFF the machine. I think only about 3 guys saw my pathetic struggle. I did see another lady use the machine later and not have difficulties, so I decided to approach her and ask if there is a graceful way to get on and off that machine. (I usually don't talk to gym-mates, but this gal had big hips, so I knew she'd be nice to me!) She showed me a lever that I hadn't yet discovered, and it made all the difference!

So actually attending the gym, coupled with not eating everything in sight, has resulted in an almost 3 pound loss so far. Yippee!! Now just 97 to go! No, seriously. But all in good time.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

A Knee and a Toe, and a Dog Named Bo

I have been absent this week, I apologize. I have been uninspired. I don't just want to blather on about useless information. That's what Facebook is for!

I have been having an inner battle with myself about going to the gym. I no longer have the excuse that my key card doesn't work, because I went by there when the dude was there and he showed me that I was using it incorrectly. Tonight I went and, since there was only me and one other lady, I took the opportunity to figure out how to use the weight machines. That was supposed to be part of my "orientation",  but dude seems to always be busy with someone else when I am there. I had a good workout tonight, going to be sore in the morning! But I'm also excited about my chance tonight (couldn't have looked stupid in front of the muscle-heads, now could I?) since my foot has been bothering me so much lately, and walking on the treadmill has become painful.

I was cursed with ugly feet. No really. I know everyone says their feet are ugly, but mine take the prize. I have bunions that have always bothered me, but now each step is excruciating. At least my left foot is. Which is problematic in many ways, as I had recently quit step aerobics because my knees hurt so badly, and I thought I'd take up the treadmill instead. It's a vicious cycle: my knees would feel better if I could lose 50+ pounds, but that's hard to do when it hurts to exercise.

I have researched bunionectomies (yes, that's a real procedure) and I will next research good surgeons. Something has to give. I'm not wearing shoes right now, and my big toe is throbbing. Weird.

Last weekend I spent quite a bit of time with John Deere. His mother invited me to their house for Sunday dinner, and that went well. So well that I stayed until after supper! John's mother asked me a lot of questions, friendly questioning, not an interrogation by any means. She mentioned they used to have a dog named Bo, which was the name of The Ex's dog. Add that to the eerily increasing list of similarities. And the fact that John knows The Ex. Remembers him from college. John said he didn't think any less of me.

Monday John and I ventured to a larger town to do some muzzle loader shopping. He did. I looked at just about everything else in the store. But there was Olive Garden and Stone Cold Creamery, so the day wasn't a total waste :) I was glad to spend that particular day with John, as 1/2/12 was one of the dates The Ex and I had picked as a potential wedding date.

This week I need to fill out loan papers, as I'm going to try to refinance my home loan, apply to grad school, and continue to resist temptation at work. No vending machine purchases for me last week! (Well, 1 Diet soda, but definitely no candy bars!) Now if people would please stop making delicious fudge and candy and bringing it to work. Evil, evil people.