Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Parent's Day

By reading this blog you'd never know it, but I compose blogs in my mind almost everyday; they just don't make it to fruition on the page. I compose them in the car, at work, while mowing the lawn, or whenever inspiration strikes. Some are detailed and fully fleshed-out, some are mere snippits, maybe more appropriately Tweets than full blogs.

The last one that I wrote in my head was about Father's Day, which I almost typed, then decided not to since I didn't go ahead and type my Mother's Day blog also.

So, in honor of BOTH of my parents, here is your combined Mother's/Father's day dedication blog:


1. for all the nights you stayed up with me when I was sick.
2. for all the days you stayed home with me when I was sick. (I was sick a lot!)
3. for all the Sunday nights I spent crying, pleading with you not to send me to school on Monday morning.
4. for all the times I "forgot" about a homework assignment until 8pm the night before it was due. (Stupid science fairs)
5. for attending every one of my sports games
6. for attending every one of my concerts
7. for spoiling me just a little, but not enough to be annoying :)
8. for working so hard on that 85 Dodge Charger that never did run right
9. for all the flying trips to the doctor 40 miles away
10. for always believing in me, even when I didn't
11. for never allowing me to "walk the streets"
12. for paying attention to me, though I always demanded more
13. for discipling me, though I didn't appreciate it at the time
14. for not giving me everything I wanted, so I didn't grow up with a sense of entitlement
15. for trying to protect me from the big, bad world
16. for wiping away my tears, both then and now
17. for being my best friends
18. for unconditional love, though I am, at times, but not very often, unlovable
19. for letting my make my own decisions, though you may see danger or trouble ahead
20. for reading to me at an early age, allowing me to develop a love of reading
21. for giving my a quirky sense of humor
22. for burying tons of kittens and a few puppies quietly and descretely, then taking me to see "All Dogs go to Heaven"
23. for Friday night movie night, and all the good, and horrible, movies we watched (Jack the Bear, need I say more?)
24. for cooking for me and allowing me to help cook also (though my love of food is both a blessing and a curse)
25. for not giving me an allowance, but working for it by doing chores (another one I didn't appreciate at the time)
26. for pushing me to make good grades and take the harder classes, though some "gravy" classes would have been nice
27. for all the trips to Tennessee to visit me during college
28. for all the help in maintaining my home (My Daddy-do list, as I call it)
29. for listening to me ramble everynight and complain about work
30. most of all, for being involved in my life, taking an active interest, and always guiding me to look to the Lord for important decision making.

The list really could go on, but these things came to mind first. Thank you for being awesome parents and I only hope that one day, if the Lord ever blesses me with children, they will know what awesome Grandparents you are! ( I know Buddy is awful fond of ya!)

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