Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Retrospective

2011 was truly a roller coaster year for the ol' Huff. It began happy, with a (I then thought) great guy and a promising future. By Valentine's Day I was engaged to aforementioned-supposed-great-guy. 2 weeks later BAM! No ring, no future. With him at least. (Not a great guy after all.)

Then came spring, Huffy's birthday, and a swell vacation with the parents to Myrtle Beach.

The summer arrived with mild weather and a dog who no longer cared for the confines of his backyard, as he diligently escaped 6 times in 4 weeks. Back came the feelings of rejection as the Life of Huff began to sound like a country song... "I lost my man, I lost my dog..."

Another awesome mission trip to Haiti in July. I always look forward to the opportunity to serve, and also to see my brothers in sisters in Christ in a different light. I wouldn't trade the sweating, weird food or hot van trips for all the money in the world. (Well maybe. I could just BUY Haiti then. I'd rename it Huff-ati! Free ice cream for everyone!)

The fall saw a new man enter my life, grudgingly at first (on my part). It's been fun getting to know him and his family (Sunday dinner with the parents tomorrow, oh my!)

Tonight, on New Year's Eve, I am alone, by choice mostly. John Deere had made plans with some friends, assuming I'd be with my friends. A friend of mine invited me to go with her to her sister's, but I think I'll let them have time alone to reflect on their roller coaster year as well.

I like being alone. (It's a good thing, eh?) I like to think, to reflect, and to play Bejeweled :) But I digress. I like silence, or the opportunity to do whatever I need or want to do. Don't feel like showering? No problem. Don't feel like getting dressed? Don't have to. Wanna drink soda straight from the 2-liter? Can do.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is... things aren't too bad in Huffyland. Nope, things are pretty ok.

And that's all I've got to say about that.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

:) I did the same.