Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Still Huffy...after all these years

It has been almost a  year and a half since my last blog post. Is blogging even "in" anymore? Since when have I cared about what's "in"? Look at my wardrobe and you'll find your answer!

Oh my, how I hate those "this is what's been happening in my life since I last blogged" blogs, so I'll summarize: started a new position for the same company for whom I've worked the past 12 years, married my pig-farmer redneck in a lovely-yet-low-key wedding, moved to the country, sold my house, and am contemplating gardening and tai chi. So all in all, not much going on. Oh, and I'm still wondering how I've lived without a DVR all my life!

I still have the same cynical outlook at life...apparently singleness was only a symptom of that problem, not the cause! So never fear, new and old readers, I'm still Huff, no matter what my last name happens to be!